Happy Fourth of July!

How do you celebrate Independence Day? Maybe this year or in years past, you’ve enjoyed watching colorful fireworks light up the night sky above you. One of our country’s founding fathers, John Adams, would smile with satisfaction. Back in 1776, upon the passing of the Declaration of Independence, he wrote this to Abigail Adams: “It ought to be commemorated, as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward forever more.”

I have some special July 4th memories. The first is from when I was a teenager in 1976. Tall sailing ships from around the world filled Manhattan harbor, joining the party as we celebrated our country’s 200th birthday. At night, fireworks burst open and filled the sky above the Statue of Liberty, choreographed to music we listened to on the radio.

My second memory is miles from Manhattan. When our children were young, they put on their own fireworks show in our front yard. As night settled in, wonderful neighbors came. They sat in lawn chairs and sipped lemonade as our kids gleefully entertained them with sparkling, colorful fountains that crackled and popped in our driveway. Everyone waved sparklers in time with patriotic music coming from our tape player.

This year I’m celebrating Independence Day by looking at the red, white and blue in God’s beautiful creation. Please enjoy these thirteen photos to commemorate our thirteen original states!

I’m not the only one who enjoys the red, white and blue!

Daytime Sparklers!

We live in a beautiful country.

Happy Fourth of July!


For the Young, the Old, and Those in Between


Storm Clouds