New Beginnings

It snowed the other day, but that didn’t stop the crocus from smiling. They come up without fail, the first flower every spring, dotting the brown landscape with color. A bee noticed. He looked rather sleepy on one of the purple crocus.

Our yard is waking up. The robins are back, looking for worms and singing sweetly. And in the evenings, the skunk fills the air with his perfume! Yesterday I saw a red fox trotting across our lawn, and later I caught a glimpse of our resident woodchuck nosing around the grass under the bird feeders. Judging by his size, he didn’t look any worse for wear from hibernating all winter!

There’s so much more to see and do now that spring is here. I need to clean out the brush in the side garden. I’m planning flowers to attract hummingbirds and butterflies. I can’t wait for the day they arrive. When they do, I come alive too!


Good Morning!

