New Every Morning

I love the surprises and the sameness of the seasons. In the spring, bright forsythia branches delight me when they pop open with color. It’s as if I’ve never seen them before! But one thing never changes. These cheery golden bells always blossom, without fail, in April.

In May the hummingbirds arrive! They grace our yard after traveling all the way from Central America and the Caribbean.

As spring heads toward summer, God paints the garden purple, white, and yellow with the chives and daisies. I know they’ll faithfully arrive in the early summer, but I still smile when I see their bright faces. It’s like welcoming old friends after a year-long absence!

Each week in July and August I go on a treasure hunt. I look for new gifts in the garden, like these purple coneflowers. They bask in the sunshine of the long summer days and graciously host the busy bees.

Before I know it, fall arrives!

Then, as the days shorten, winter brings a beauty all its own, with hardy birds perching in the snow-covered branches.

God faithfully brings the seasons with their magnificent, innumerable delights. He loves us so!

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
 they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.”

Lamentations 3:22,23


Storm Clouds

