The Robins are Here!

They’re back! Our yard is much busier with these new residents who have recently arrived from down south. These purposeful robins scurry for a few steps, then stop and cock their heads, looking for worms. Sometimes in the late winter and early spring when they appear, I wonder where they will find food. The ground can still be hard, and sometimes there’s a covering of snow.

Soon they’ll be looking for nesting materials. I try to leave autumn’s grasses on the ground so they’ll have ample supplies.

Rain doesn’t bother the robins. They use mud to firm up their nests. They can build as many as three nests throughout the spring and summer! It’s a treat to see their little ones.

All summer long they’ll delight me with their activities as they feed and train their young. As the fall approaches, I’ll get one last glimpse of them; these friends will head south for the winter.

But I’m not thinking of that right now, because the robins are settling in, and spring is here!




Mealtime, the Best Time of the Day