Genesis 1:1

A pediatric cardiac surgeon recently operated on our one-year-old grandson. The surgery to close a hole in his heart lasted eight hours. Many people were praying. After the operation, the doctor came out and told our son and daughter-in-law that the hole was much bigger than they had originally thought. During the surgery they also closed another smaller hole. He declared, “The prayers worked!”

I remember a friend telling me that when you feel overwhelmed or weighed down by heavy circumstances, remember the first verse of the Bible:

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)

She said, “Stop and think about what that verse means. God created everything!”

The sky, birds, oceans…

all the animals…

and people!

That’s so good to remember when a situation or our circumstances seem insurmountable. The Lord is strong, and He loves us, and He cares. When I feel overwhelmed, it sure helps me to step outside and feel the wind on my face and the sun on my back. I watch the birds in the trees and hear them calling to each other. I gain perspective. God can handle my problems. I will trust Him and place them in His hands.




Signs of Fall