Signs of Fall

Yesterday as I looked out my kitchen window, I saw a busy hummingbird darting from flower to flower. Just to the right, I saw a Gray Catbird splashing and dunking himself in our bird bath. I’m savoring this sight. These two will soon be migrating to Central America and the Caribbean. I wonder if they will see each other again along the way.

Fall is officially here. I’m more a lover of spring than fall. In May, the garden bursts with new life. In September, the back yard gets quieter.

But the other day the late afternoon sun lit up our yard and garden, reminding me that there’s a lot to be thankful for right now. Here are some jewels that caught my eye.

Goldenrod bursts open in September like bright yellow fireworks.

Purple asters are a favorite with butterflies.

Bees savor purple coneflowers before they turn to seed. And when the flowers do dry out, birds flock to them to pluck out the seeds.

So, even though spring is still my favorite, fall has a beauty all its own.

“To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.”

Ecclesiastes 3:1


Genesis 1:1


For the Young, the Old, and Those in Between